Machine Mathematics And Numeral Systems
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ВИДЕОУРОК №2. Machine Mathematics And Numeral Systems

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In this “C# starter” video tutorial course you will be introduced to the history of C# language and .NET platform. You will learn the tools that will be used throughout the course. This lesson will give you an understanding of what programming is, what types of programs can be created using C#. You will learn about current technologies and features of Microsoft .NET platform. In this lesson you will create your first application "Hello world", which is written by all programmers when they start learning a new programming language. Also you will learn how to create simple window applications with a user interface and find out what compilation and debugging are.
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This lesson will help you understand binary and hexadecimal systems. You will understand how the various systems of calculation work , you will understand the structure of your computer and will be prepared for the next topic , which is covered in this lesson - variables and data types. You will learn what simple data types are in the C # language and be able to correctly determine what type of data should be used in a specific situation
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This video tutorial shows how to use data types when defining the variables. Also in this lesson you will learn about constants and how constants are used in applications . As well as the basic principles of creating variables, you learned in the previous lesson in this tutorial more emphasis will be placed on the various operations that can be performed on variables , as well as the principles of formatting string variables.
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No application runs linearly . There is always a variety of conditions that can affect the outcome of the application. In this lesson you will learn conditional statements that will allow you to develop algorithms whose result will depend on the users choice or other conditions. This lesson will address the conditional language constructions in C # like - if / else, switch and ternary operators.
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In this lesson you will learn the basics of logic and language operators in C #, which will be needed when developing software. This lesson includes examples of the use of logical and bitwise operators. You will look at conjunction, disjunction, exclusive "or” negation, shift operators and more. In this lesson, you will get not just a theory, but also know in what situations data structure can be applied.
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Loop structure - something without which no application can do. In computing we frequently meet operations which have to be repeated several times. You might not want to repeat the same operation a few hundred times. For tasks that require repeated operations, you need to understand the structures that will be studied in this lesson. You will learn what loops are in C# language, learn how to run it and control it.
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To learn how to program, it is not enough to learn conditional and loop constructions. It is necessary to use other features of C# language. In this lesson you will analyze very important elements of any method application. You will learn how to create methods, learn what parameters, and return types are, you will able to distinguish between functions and procedures. You will learn all the necessary things necessary to start further development of more complex topics related to object-oriented programming techniques.
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In this lesson, you will expand the knowledge gained in the previous lesson on methods. You will learn what simple recursions and complex recursions are. Take a look at the new features of C# language, associated with the use of methods - named and optional parameters. In this lesson, you will harden your knowledge and learn to use more complex programming techniques.
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The objective of most applications is to analyze the data and computations performed on large volumes of data. In order to store large number of similar values, you have to create an array. This Video tutorial will teach you not only to create arrays, but also to perform basic operations on arrays. You will learn how to use loops when working with arrays, and also examine different types of arrays - one-dimensional , multidimensional and jagged.
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